The IZZO SWAMI 3000 is an entry level golf GPS device that provides foolproof access to the most basic distances…but ONLY basic distances (to the front, center and back of the green). If you like bells and whistles, look elsewhere, but if an uncomplicated approach is more to your liking, the SWAMI 3000 is a nice simple unit in a lightweight and compact form factor.

The satellite antenna on the device seemed to be on the weaker side – we had frequent problems acquiring satellites at the beginning of a round (at courses where we didn’t experience this problem with other devices), and the SWAMI 3000 was also slower to lock on to distances during play. In addition, we found that distance readings on the device fell outside of the 3-4 yard standard margin of error (when compared to marked sprinkler heads) more often than on other devices, but it was unclear if this was a mapping or antenna issue.

The IZZO SWAMI 3000 is best suited as a nice introduction to golf GPS devices for beginners and those who aren’t as comfortable with technology, but as prices for premium devices drop below the $200 point, these most basic devices become harder to recommend.

Course Availability
Ease of Use
Course Detail



Retail price: $99.99
Three year total cost: $139.98
Availability: Discontinued. Replaced by the IZZO SWAMI 4000. Check price now

85 / B

The Good: The SWAMI 3000 is the first device from IZZO to include courses pre-loaded on the device, so you can take it straight to the golf course.
The Bad: The map updater software (and device drivers), which you will want to use on occasion to ensure you have the latest course data, doesn’t work on Macs.


What’s in the Box: The IZZO SWAMI 3000 is packaged with:

Recommended Downloads (to get latest course maps):

98 / A+


Critical Golf Test: The IZZO SWAMI 3000 finished near the top of the pack in our golf course coverage tests. As the SWAMI 3000 provides only distances to the front, center and back of the green, this is what we expect.

Manufacturer’s Claims: IZZO claims to have 19,500 courses available worldwide, putting it at the bottom of GPS devices tested.

88 / B+

The Good: Very light and easy to keep in a pocket during play. Text indicating distances is large and easy-to-read. With only basic functionality, it’s straightforward to use.
The Bad: Didn’t lock in to distances as quickly as other devices. We also had a few issues acquiring satellites to start a round.


For details, check out the Critical Golf comparison of golf GPS ease of use across all devices tested.

70 / C-


The Good: The SWAMI encourages a laser-like focus on the green. For some players this is a boon: no distractions to provide a wealth of information as you stand above your ball evaluating your next shot. If you spend all of your time in fairways, and play courses you know extremely well, then distances to the front, middle and back of greens may be all you need.

The Bad: We like to play new courses on a reasonably frequent basis, and we don’t spend all of our time on the fairway, so it would be useful for us to have additional target information. And though the box says “SWAMI knows all” – it really only knows distances to the front, middle and back of the green.


65 / D


This section is easy. “Not applicable.” The SWAMI 3000 won’t auto-advance between holes, so don’t forget to do so manually after each hole. With no other target information provided, if you don’t remember to advance and then overlook the hole number when focusing on the distance, you may find yourself pulling out the wrong club. Don’t expect the SWAMI to keep track of your score, shot distances, or provide the ability to map targets.

For details, check out the Critical Golf comparison of feature sets across golf GPS devices.

88 / B+


We were pleased that our IZZO SWAMI 3000 fared much better than the original SWAMI 1500 in distance readings. We found that distances were generally within our expected range of 3-4 yards from on-course markings (and comparison to other devices). We did find that discrepancies of 5-6 yards off of actuals were more common with the SWAMI 3000 than with other devices. Whether this is a mapping or a GPS issue is difficult to say (testing was always done under clear skies in open areas).

80 / B-


Retail Price: IZZO continues their aggressive pricing, introducing the SWAMI 3000 at a mere $99.99, making it one of lowest priced devices in our tests. This matches the price of the original SWAMI 1500, though it now also includes courses pre-loaded at no additional cost.

Fees for Access to Course Database: You wouldn’t know it from the box or main page of the website (you have to click through a couple of pages to find out), but IZZO charges a yearly fee of $19.99 to access course updates, or $39.99 for the lifetime of the product.

Three-Year Total Cost of Ownership: Coming in at only $139.98 over 3 years (we assume you want to have the latest course maps, correct?) even with the purchase of map updates, the IZZO SWAMI 3000 three year cost of ownership is still one of the lowest of devices tested. One side note – if you need a course that isn’t in their database, IZZO may charge a fee to provide a new course map (and it may take up to 3-4 weeks).

Value: We are fans of the idea of a simple device at a reasonable cost. Those who are pinching their pennies will want take a look at this device – there are few competitors that are competing at such an aggressive price point. But for just a bit more money ($10-40 over 3 years), you can buy a device that provides significantly more information about the course, such as additional pre-mapped target points (bunkers, water hazards, etc.) or the ability to map points by yourself. Those on a budget, or who aren’t very comfortable with technology, may find the IZZO SWAMI 3000 right up their alley, but we think that most players will be better served by paying a bit more for additional functionality – Bushnell’s Neo+ being the most obvious competitor in both form factor and cost.

5 Responses

  1. This device doesn’t work in Canada – told it had over 19,000 courses in North America – I guess the guys who sell this in the USA forgot to put the northern part of North America in this product.

  2. can not get the Swami 3000 to charge, can not charge on computer or on wall charger,  have tried new cord but no go, any advice?

    1.  We haven’t experienced charging issues with the IZZO 3000 (or 1500) before. Our suggestion would be to press and briefly hold the Up Arrow + Down Arrow + FCB at the same time to see if that helps (that combination is used to reset the SWAMI when frozen/locked, but perhaps this will take to original factory settings and help with charging).

  3. Well here’s my take on the my new swami 3000. It worked perfect right out of the box. I matched it to a voice buddy and the yardage between the two was always right on the mark or 1 to 2 yards diffferent. That is ok for me. The price was great. No conplaints here.

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