We haven’t figured out the target market for the SkyCaddie GIMME, which seems to provide the same distance information as the SkyCaddie AIRE. Overall we think SkyCaddie continues to spread themselves too think (in addition to the four models announced for 2013, they have three additional devices still on the market, the new SkyCaddie Breeze, as well as the SkyCaddie SGXw and SkyCaddie SGX. It’s like SkyCaddie is trying to do their best to confuse the customer. The GIMME is marketed as having “large, easy-to-read numbers”, and distances to the front, center and back of the green. We don’t get it, but stay tuned for our detailed SkyCaddie GIMME review. For the Sport Series, which includes the GIMME, $49.95 will get you 3 years of course updates.

Editor’s note: For a limited time, SkyCaddie is offering a free annual “Go Play” membership for new, unregistered GIMME (and AIRE and WATCH) devices. Note that with this free membership does not allow players to upload scores or data to an online account – that functionality is only available with the paid annual “Par membership”, or a membership to ClubSG for $9.95/year (we will refrain on commenting that ClubSG is in “Beta” and they still charge for this).

Retail price: $169.95
Three year total cost: $219.90
Availability: Discontinued though still available through some channels; replaced by the SkyCaddie AIRE
Amazon.com: Check price now

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