Having reviewed the Sonocaddie V300, we figured we knew what we were going to get with the Sonocaddie app for the iPhone. We went through the process of registering for an account on the iPhone, and then downloaded a trial course. Unfortunately, upon re-launching the app when we arrived at the clubhouse, the course was no longer displayed as an option to play. We attempted to download again with no luck, with the app now displaying that we had already downloaded our one free trial course. Later we realized that the software is only available for iPhones running operating systems prior to iPhone OS4.0. This doesn’t apply to us, and likely won’t apply to most other iPhone users as well. With most other golf GPS apps making a quick transition to the latest operating system, this does raise questions as to how the Sonocaddie iPhone app was developed.
When running, the app supposedly stores up to 20 courses (an odd limitation that other apps don’t have) and includes the ability to track scoring, though only for one player – your friends are on their own!
Maybe we will pay for this app in the future, and hopefully it will work when we do.
Price: $34.99
Download the Sonocaddie iPhone GPS App from iTunes
Version: i_0.5.24.0