So you say you’ve won the lottery and have money to burn? You’ve come to the right place. After treating us to a celebratory round of golf at Pebble Beach, you’ll want to check out the lineup of JuCad (pronouce that “you-cad”) powered golf trolleys. If you haven’t already, you’ll be shocked by what you find in these handmade German trolleys. The JuCad family features Titanium, Carbon and Stainless Steel electric cart frames weighing as little as 10.8 pounds. You heard that right: 10.8 pounds for the entire cart. The battery will add about 3 more pounds, but still… At first glance these carts are so slim you’ll likely mistake them for non-powered carts. The JuCads are good-looking in design, which is kept minimal in nature due to the storage of the battery in the golf bag as opposed to on the frame. Not a bad thing, just…different.

If you venture to the JuCad website to learn more about the family of carts, know that it won’t be easy to compare feature set across the 22+ carts (powered and non-powered) available. The naming conventions aren’t particularly helpful, making for a rather confounding process. Why sites should make it so difficult to quickly see differences across a family (or why a family with such low volume should even exist) is beyond us. But hey, we should care less about their marketing efforts and focus more on the fact that these carts are crazy-expensive and light, right?

For those checking out the lineup, here is our decipher key for JuCad’s naming conventions:
“SL” or “Titan” indicates a Titanium frame, “Carbon” indicates…yes, Carbon, and the rest are all Stainless Steel.
We believe the “Classic” line folds to pack, whereas the rest of the trolleys disassemble (quickly) for travel.
You might think “Drive” indicates a powered caddy, but some trolleys that are powered (such as the JuCad Carbon Travel) don’t, so we have no idea what “Drive” indicates.
“eX” seems to indicate that a carrying bag and remote is included in the cost (available for separate purchase with other powered models), though “eX2” includes only a carrying bag. Confused yet? We are.

In any event, if you are considering these trolleys there isn’t any reason not to get the brightest and shiniest. And of course, lightest. And for that you’ll want to head directly to the JuCad Drive SL Travel eX2. 10.8 pounds (plus 3 pound battery and cable) is a light weight for a push cart, much less a powered cart. And just because it is light doesn’t mean that you have to give up features. The eX2 has a lithium battery and charger, rotary speed control, electric downhill brake, adjustable handle height, drive/reverse/neutral, umbrella holder. And in keeping with the extremely small size when disassembled for travel, a carry bag with separate wheel compartment is included. It’s mind-blowing that at this price a remote isn’t included, but you can purchase it separately. And hey, it’s just money, right?

Some different purchase options are below…dream on!

JuCad Drive SL Travel eX2
Retail price: $5,499.00
Availability: Direct from JuCad only (contact Jucad)

JuCad Drive SL Travel eX
Retail price: $5,120.00
Availability: Direct from JuCad (contact Jucad)

JuCad Carbon Travel
Retail: $4,299.00
Availability: Direct from JuCad (contact Jucad)

JuCad Drive (Stainless Steel)
Retail: $4,299
Availability: Direct from JuCad (contact Jucad)

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